Sycora Wilson-James

 SycoraA. Wilson-James

Sycora A. Wilson-James

  • Courses2
  • Reviews22


University of Texas El Paso - University Studies

Possible Matching Profiles

The following profiles may or may not be the same professor:

  • Sycora A Wilson-James (100% Match)
    University of Texas at El Paso - University Of Texas At El Paso


UNIV 1301

Seminar for Critical Inquiry

UNIV 1301 satisfies a core curriculum requirement. The course description identifies the innovative nature of UNIV 1301, which is designed to be taught by faculty and staff from across campus. Proposals to teach the course are solicited through a call for proposals memo that is sent to all full-time UTEP faculty and staff. Because UNIV 1301 instructors are from different disciplines and have different areas of interest, the section themes vary, but all sections have the same essential goals and objectives. Proposals identify the section theme, provide a course description, and explain how the section will address course goals (see sample proposal). Instructors design their sections to integrate course goals and objectives with their themes (see sample syllabus). Each section of UNIV 1301 has an instructional team, which consists of the instructor, peer leader, university librarian, and academic advisor. The instructor, who is the lead member of the team, collaborates with other team members to provide a network of instruction and support for the students enrolled in the section. Course also known as:


UNIV 2350

Interdisciplinary Technology and Society

Students in this course were introduced to approaches to technology assessment and examined social, cultural, and environmental consequences of technology. The course included problem solving in small groups assigned to research, analyze, discuss, and arrive at possible solutions for a broad range of topics related to technology and society
