Steven Skutnik

 StevenE. Skutnik

Steven E. Skutnik

  • Courses1
  • Reviews1


University of Tennessee Knoxville - Engineering


  • 2007


    Founding President

    Triangle-Area Universities INMM Student Chapter\nTechnician Viewpoint writer

    Nuclear Engineering



    Institute of Nuclear Materials Management

    North Carolina State University

  • 2002


    Opinion Editor

    Iowa State Daily

    Summer 2004\nOpinion Columnist

    Iowa State Daily

    Nuclear Physics

    Iowa State Daily

  • 1998


    Minors in Mathematics and Philosophy\nOpinion Columnist

    Iowa State Daily

    Physics & Astronomy

    Iowa State Daily

    ISU Libertarians



  • C++



    Nuclear Engineering






    NC State University

    Iowa State University Department of Physics & Astronomy

    University of Tennessee


    North Carolina State University

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory

    Adler Planetarium

    Oak Ridge


    Projects included assisting in the development of improvements to the ORIGEN package for evaluating nuclear fuel depletion

    high-fidelity nuclear fuel simulations to provide benchmarks for non-destructive assay experiments

    and assisting in the development of a next-generation searchable database of experimental data from spent fuel characterization experiments.

    Postdoctoral Research Associate

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory

    Served as the lead educator on two major electronic-intensive exhibit galleries: CyberSpace Gallery and the Space Visualization Laboratory (SVL). Accomplishments included the development of a comprehensive education and outreach strategy for the new SVL public visitor experience

    as well as a comprehensive overhaul of the CyberSpace computer infrastructure and electronic content.\n\nAlso managed and developed visitor and field trip programming for the CyberSpace Gallery

    including implementing


    and revising the CyberSpace Computer Classroom (CCC) programs.

    Master Educator for Emergent Technologies

    Greater Chicago Area

    Adler Planetarium



    Responsibilities included teaching two recitation and laboratory sections of calculus-based physics to undergraduates

    with a curriculum including electricity and magnetism

    basic thermodynamics


    and an introduction to quantum mechanics. \n\nNotable accomplishments included being consistently rated among the top teaching assistants in the Physics Department.

    Graduate Teaching Assistant

    Iowa State University Department of Physics & Astronomy


    Tennessee Area

    Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering

    University of Tennessee



    Tennessee Area

    Tenure-track faculty with a research and teaching portfolio concentrated on nuclear security

    nuclear waste disposition

    and advanced nuclear fuel modeling applications.

    Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering

    University of Tennessee


    Research focus was in the design and implementation of an experiment to characterize the radiation environment of the PHENIX interaction region (IR) to determine the frequency of predicted single event upsets in SRAM-based FPGAs

    facilitating evaluation of their suitability for deployment in front-end detector electronics. Additionally designed both a simple C-based Monte Carlo and a more sophisticated GEANT-based model to simulate upset rates in SRAM-based FPGAS in the PHENIX IR.

    Iowa State University Department of Physics & Astronomy

    NC State University

    Current research involves the further development of a fuzzy-logic barrier model for proliferation resistance in the nuclear fuel cycle. This work has included rewriting the model in C++

    adding the ability to directly import isotopic information from ORIGEN (part of SCALE)

    and evaluate different fuel cycle configurations directly

    for a cross-comparison of various fuel cycle alternatives.\n\nOther work includes the development of the OASIS user input module for ORIGEN

    which substantially enhances its usability and analysis capabilities

    allowing for simplified fuel cycle analysis.

    Research Assistant


    North Carolina Area

    Oak Ridge


    Developed the OASIS interface module for the ORIGEN-S package in SCALE (in FORTRAN)

    substantially streamlining user input requirements for nuclear fuel depletion case analysis. OASIS also allows for chained analysis cases

    thus affording vastly simplified abilities to perform advanced fuel cycle analyses.

    NESLS Fellow

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory

    Developed and taught a hybrid

    graduate-level course on nuclear nonproliferation and international safeguards

    including the coordination of remote streaming video lectures from ORNL subject matter experts. Topics included the nuclear fuel cycle

    techniques employed for verification of international safeguards compliance

    physical security

    and the international nonproliferation regime.

    Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering


    North Carolina Area

    North Carolina State University

    Oak Ridge Associated Universities

    Teaching Excellence Award

    Iowa State University

    Department of Physics & Astronomy

    Richard G. Patrick Award for Outstanding Teaching Assistant

    Iowa State University

    Department of Physics & Astronomy

    Outstanding First-Year Teaching Award

    Iowa State University

    Department of Physics and Astronomy

    Nuclear Nonproliferation & International Safeguards (NNIS) Graduate Fellow

    U.S. Department of Energy / National Nuclear Security Administration