Shannon Adams

 ShannonL. Adams

Shannon L. Adams

  • Courses0
  • Reviews0


Northwood University - Business


  • 2010

    Masters in Science in Global Operations and Project Management

    Project Management

    Lawrence Technological University

  • 2009

    Master of Business Administration (MBA)

    Project Management

    Lawrence Technological University

  • 2000


    Bachelor of Science (BS)

    Human Resources Management


    University of Maryland University College


    Business and Management

    University of Maryland University College

  • 1989

    Associates in Applied Science

    Munitions Systems Technologies

    Community College of the Air Force

    Certified Acquisition Professional - Program Management level 2

    Defense Acquisition University (DAU)

    Certified Acquisition Professional - Life Cycle Logistics Level 3

    Defense Acquisition University (DAU)

  • IAVA Vet Together is a local gathering of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans. These events are social & charitable for veterans from the surrounding Plymouth Communities (South Eastern Michigan). Anyone within the commuting distance of Plymouth Michigan is welcome.\n

    Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)




    Operations Management


    Microsoft Office

    Defense Acquisition Certified in Life Cycle Logistics - level III



    Public Speaking


    Security Clearance

    Defense Acquisition Certified in Program Management - level I

    Organizational Development


    Strategic Planning


    Military Logistics

    Technical Writing



    Successfully hosted and supported over 40 veterans events in Southeastern Michigan consisting of Concerts at Freedom Hill

    Pistons games

    USA Hockey nights and Vettogethers.\n\nCompleted My Trivia Live - IAVA fundraiser raising over $4

    000 for IAVA. \n










    Veterans Administration

    United States Air Force

    Northwood University

    US Army


    Warren Michigan

    Currently working Foreign Military Sales for the US Army. \nContracting Officer Representative (COR) for the General Dynamics Land Systems Contract.

    M1A1 Abrams FMS Lead/COR

    US Army



    Coordinated requests to support contract award and modifications; reconciled submitted billing from contractors for payment of services utilizing Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF). Validate submitted billing for accuracy and permissible travel expenses.\n\nProcessed requests for funding and Spend Plan changes to the M-ATV APM for approval in the amount of $34 Million; Coordinated with all stakeholders to ensure validation of requirements and tracked funding to execution. \n\nLogistics Requirements Approval and Sourcing (LRAS) working group lead for Kuwait and Afghanistan supply support. Ensured all submitted requirements were valid and approval was coordinated through the Director of Business Management for all Government Purchase Card requests. In addition

    supported Kuwait Reset Operations and Integration mission.\n\nSupported APM with FY15/FY16 budget submission briefings; balanced available funding with Budget Financial Managers and verified funding requirements were realistic. Worked with individual managers to validate and balance individual budgets.\n\nResolves issues and coordinates between Platform team members ensuring one voice communication with the contractor. Developed and implemented recommendations to improve the effectiveness


    and timeliness of the reset process and procedures during weekly Program Management Reviews. Implemented changes \n\nCOR for the M-ATV Reset contract; Responsible for coordinating

    reviewing and evaluating mission performance and compliance within established regulations/policies in assigned areas of responsibility executing reset of the M-ATV fleet of vehicles at Oshkosh. Reports surveillance in accordance with Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan to the Contracting Officer\n

    Contracting Officer Representative (COR)

    US Army



    Material Fielding Manager for Construction Equipment. Tank and Automotive Command (TACOM)\n\nMaterial Fielding Manger for the three Construction Equipment systems; Engineer Mission Module- Water Distributor

    966H Heavy Loader and the Backhoe Loader systems during all phases of the material fielding process to support the Program Manager for Combat Engineer/Material Handling Office.\n\nAs material fielder

    I analyzed Mission Support Plans in accordance with AR 700-142 for accuracy of information to ensure Active Army

    Army National Guard

    and Army Reserve units have the necessary equipment authorizations to support Headquarters Department of the Army G8 Distribution Plans.\n\nSubject Matter Expert; provided assistance to the Program Manager for Combat Engineer/Material Handling equipment by creating Memorandum of Notifications

    New Material Introductory Briefings

    Material Fielding Agreements on numerous supported systems.\n\nRepresented the Program Manager for Combat Engineer/Material Handling equipment during fielding and logistics issues while the Program Manager Office transitioned to a new System Acquisition Manager. Worked with the contracting office to correct shipping destinations and initiate contract modifications to support special tools delivery for the 966 loader.\n\nEffectively communicated during presentations of New Material Introductory Briefings to gaining units. Coordination ensured information was valid and accurate to support fielding of equipment

    delivery of equipment and scheduling New Equipment Training.\n\nTraveled and performed joint inventories with gaining units using DA Form 3161s

    Material Release Lists

    DA Form 2062s

    and hand-off off managed weapons systems in accordance with US Army Total Package Fielding concepts

    Army Regulation 700-142 and Army Pamphlet 700-142. Inventoried and processed material transfers to gaining units using Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced from Program Manager Accounts.

    Material Fielding Manager

    US Army

    Aviano AB


    MUNITIONS FLIGHT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER\nOffice administrative lead for 170 person group; adeptly managed performance reports and recognition programs by tracking suspense’s until completed using an automated tracking system maintaining a 98% on-time completion and submission rate. \n\nWork group manager; executed base Network Control Center (NCC) directives. \n\nVAULT MAINTENANCE ELEMENT CHIEF\nVault Maintenance manager; Supervised 18 personnel in two career fields. Planned

    organized and directed all Protection Level 1 weapons maintenance activities. Managed weapons stockpile

    associated specialized test and handing equipment and two weapons maintenance trucks valued at $125 million. Scheduled weapons storage and security systems access with Headquarters United States Air Forces in Europe. Coordinated scheduled/emergency weapons access and logistics support aircraft weapons movements with eight base agencies. \n\nCONVENTIONAL MAINTENANCE MANAGER\nAbilities to plan


    and take corrective action to meet emergency and regular work load requirements in support of flight line operations.\n\nDeployed to Iraq as the Munitions Accountability Element Chief for Balad Air Base and supported Baghdad International Airport Air Force personnel with munitions supply support. Inventoried

    reconciled and identified shortages in accountability filling critical shortages of ammunition. Provided support to Security Forces


    Office of Special Investigations and base personal ensuring units could sustain combat operations without interruption. Coordinated with US Army for support and issue of shortages to fill critical needs for the war fighter. As a senior member of the deployment team

    I coordinated all movement of support material and deployment packages to support the deployment of fighter aircraft into the area of responsibility in accordance with Base


    and Air Force Policies.

    Master Sergeant

    United States Air Force



    Coordinates budget requests for US Army Program Office (APO) MRAP\nLogistics; Processes Electronic Funding Action Router (EFAR) and Activity\nFunding Action Router (AFAR)along with Spend Plan Change Requests\n(SPCR). Ensures requirements validation and approval is acquired and\ncommunicated to all stake holders. Provides requirement funding information\nto Service-led BFM and initiates funding and contracting actions to support\nmission requirements.\n\nAlternate Contract Officers Representative (COR) for the JLI SAIC/Liedos contract and CLSS ManTech contract; Performs as the COR for all management requirements directed by the\nContracting Officer (KO); identifies requirements and reconciles submitted\nbilling from contractors for payment. \n\nLogistics Requirements Approval and Sourcing (LRAS) working group lead\nfor Kuwait and Afghanistan supply support. Ensures all submitted\nrequirements are valid and determined procurement through Contractor\nPurchase Card or funding through Contract Other Direct Costs. Sought COR\napproval for all requirements and tracked to fulfillment. Lead weekly IPT for\nsourcing updates

    approved published minutes from meetings and managed\nrequirements as they were submitted and completed.

    Requirements Cell/Logistics Management Specialist

    US Army


    Adjunct Professor at Northwood University. \nETR 2200 Entrepreneurship Distribution Strategies (online)\nMGT 4030 International Management (face to face)

    Adjunct Professor

    Northwood University

    Troy MI

    Team lead for the Learning Management System (SUM TOTAL) for Raytheon Professional Services Call Service Center. Experienced workload and project manager

    ability to prioritize

    delegate and effectively manage ten personnel. Ensured employees completed tasks in a timely manner to maintain project deadlines/goals. Managed daily distribution of data entry

    quality control workload for training administrators and coordinated off shore distribution of work load. Demonstrated on a daily basis problem solving skills to complete job tasks and resolve problems with customer requests. System Administrator for the learning Management System. Task supervised and performed data entry

    system updates consisting of opening and closing courses using SAP software. Created and updated class rosters to document training in a high compliance pharmaceutical industry for Pfizer.

    Team Lead




    Forward Contracting Officer Representative: Army Program Office - Mine Resistant Ambushed Protected vehicles (APO-MRAP) in XXXXXXXXXX for multiple contracts supporting the APO MRAP family of vehicles in theater. Contract value exceeded $113 Million with over 100 contract employees operating in three geographically separated locations. \n\nServed as senior logistician

    working with contractor and Joint civilian employees to accomplish assigned missions. Analyzed results of fact-finding studies

    both internally and externally generated

    and prepared comprehensive reports of conclusions and recommendations for headquarters' policy determination or modification as required. Initiated and led staff and technical assistance visits as required. Developed and implemented recommendations to improve the effectiveness


    and timeliness of systems

    procedures and programs.\n\nReviewed and evaluated mission performance and compliance with established regulations/policies in assigned areas of responsibility in the execution of supply/maintenance operations. Initiated corrective actions and ensured coordination of such actions with responsible government and contractor personnel. Monitored progress in meeting milestones and target dates. Developed and implemented workarounds or other strategies to overcome obstacles to mission accomplishment and execution.\n\nSupported and advised the XXXXXXXX Country lead on contractual support; ensured government followed Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) as they pertain to contract interpretation and performance.\n\nCompleted contractual surveillance of work performed by contractors in support of APO MRAP and Assured Mobility Systems (AMS); reports monthly surveillance to the contracting officer through the VCE-COR tool.

    Forward Contracting Officer Representative

    US Army

    Team member; Processed mail

    contacted veterans to request information

    processed Notice of Deaths

    burial flag requests and ensured benefits were terminated upon notification. Through Veterans Affairs software

    create benefit letters

    notices and requests for information to update address changes and bank information. Made public contact to ensure correct information was available for benefits.\n\nPhoto copied veteran’s records for freedom of information requests

    obtained records and filed records for ratings. Received training as a Veterans Service Representative on Post-traumatic stress disorder and other medical terms.

    Veterans Administration

    US Army

    Warren Michigan

    Deployment Coordinator and Logistics Manager for the Joint Program Office - Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle (JPO MRAP)\n\nTrusted Agent for Contractor Verification System (CVS); performs task associated with CVS to manage contractor personal. Approves applications after verification of Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS). Reconciles data in DEERS

    JPAS and CVS for accuracy in accordance with DTM 08-003 Next Generation Common Access(CAC) Implementation Guidance.\n\nGovernment Authority; Manages and approves requests for Letters of Authorization in Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker – Enterprise Suite (SPOT) Coordinated with contractor personnel to support the JPO MRAP mission in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and maintenance operations in Kuwait.\n\nUtilizes Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) to verify security clearances of support contract personnel\n\nResolves problems for Field Service Representative (FSR) personnel employed by NAVISTAR International Corporation; Point of Contact for over 500 personnel supporting the MaxxPro family of vehicles.

    Deployment Coordinator/Logistics Management Specialist


    Contracting Officer Representative

    US Army

    PMP certification complete and a member of the Great Lakes chapter


    Project Management Institute