Relling Westfall

 Relling Westfall

Relling Westfall

  • Courses4
  • Reviews27


J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College - English


  • 2000

    Secondary English Education certificate

    I completed this just before we moved to Virginia. At that time

    I wanted to teach English in high school. I student taught at St. Joe High School in South Bend

    as well as at Riley HIgh School. Riley was an inner city school. St. Joe was and is an elite private school. I remember St. Joe as one of the most pleasant educational situations that I have had. The students and faculty were motivated and talented. It was a pleasure to be at St. Joe.

    Indiana University South Bend

    M.A. in English and American Literature

    My orals defense focused on Mark Twain's use of slang. In Connecticut Yankee

    Twain uses the urban slang of that time

    which had become roundly criticized by a wide variety of people. In Huckleberry Finn

    Twain uses more of a country vernacular

    which is less subject to change over time.

    American Literature (United States)

    University of Virginia

    University of Illinois at Chicago

    Bachelor of Arts - BA

    English Language and Literature

    B.A. in English Literature

    English Language and Literature/Letters

    Master's degree

    English and American language and literature

  • Lenten Luncheons have been in existence for over one hundred years. Well known speakers and preachers are invited in to speak during Lent

    and the church opens up its kitchen as a restaurant for lunch. All the money raised (after expenses) is donated to a variety of charities that are voted upon each year. I have been a cashier

    a waitress

    and a beverage steward over the years. I have taken a couple of years off.

    St. Paul's Episcopal Church

    Public Speaking

    Curriculum Development

    Microsoft Office

    Higher Education


    American Literature


    Instructional Design

    Community Outreach


    Student Affairs



    J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College

    St. Stephen's Episcopal Church

    Primarily I teach the first and second semesters of composition. I also teach the first half of the American Literature survey. \nI have also taught in the Learning Communities initiative for several years.

    J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College

    St. Stephen's Episcopal Church



    Organized volunteers for weekly worship service in Palmer Hall

    as well as selecting children's education curriculum (including Vacation Bible School) and creating appropriate holiday events for Christmas


    etc... Supported education objectives for preschool and teenagers in a 2

    000 member church.

    Children's Education Director

ENG 111


ENG 112
