Patrick De Walt

 Patrick De Walt

Patrick S. De Walt

  • Courses8
  • Reviews20


California State University Fresno - Education


  • 2003

    University of Colorado at Boulder

    Assisted Professor with all aspects of course outside of lecture (i.e.


    student interaction/assistance and logistics). Lead three recitations per week to analyze

    clarify and discuss various readings assigned throughout course. Conducted office hours outside of those established by Professor.

    University of Colorado at Boulder

    Mentored and worked as an Academic Skills Specialist.

    University of Colorado at Boulder

    Academic Skills Specialist/Student Faculty

    Assist students in identifying

    developing and meeting their educational goals within a university setting. Weekly facilitate workshops on various areas that attend to the aforementioned objectives. Through these workshops

    my pedagogical approach consists of student centered and dialogical practices to encourage student ownership/responsibility further encouraging student success.

    University of Colorado at Boulder

    Instructor/Field Experience Coordinator

    Instructor of \"Introduction to Diversity for Educators\" and \"School and Society\" courses.

    University of South Florida

    Self-Contained Classroom Teacher (Grade 1)

    Taught within the primary grades all subject areas (Math

    Social Studies



    Language Arts). Classroom size varied per year between upper teens to upper twenties. Position required an ability to multi-task and redirect learners as needed. The most personally rewarding occupation that I have ever had because of the significance of the age group (5-7 year-olds) at a Title 1 school. This experience also provided a very important opportunity for personal growth gained by learning from and engaging my students.

    Houston ISD

    University of Colorado at Boulder

    Stephen F. Austin State University



    Social Studies Methods\nSocial/Environmental Foundations\nStudent Advising\nResearcher

    Assistant Professor in Elementary Education

    Houston ISD

    California State University






    California State University



    National Council for the Social Studies

    Office of Multicultural Affairs

    Apple Polishing Award 2013

    A recognition of the influence and dedication in helping mold of a nominating USF Student Ambassador into one of the strongest leaders on campus.

    USF Ambassadors

    2012 LGBT Pride Award

    The 2012 USF Faculty recipient of the LGBT Pride award for contributions to the LGBT community based on the promotion of LGBT diversity and inclusion in taught classes

    participation in the Safe Zone program

    and other efforts that benefit the LGBT community at USF.

    Committee on Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity


    Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity

    Inc. member. \nWorked with the Boy Scouts of America as part of the Eta Gamma chapter's responsibilities.

    Education; Ethnic Studies (Honorary)

    University of Colorado Boulder

  • 1999

    M. Ed.

    Full-time 1st Grade Teacher while working on my certification and graduate degree.

    Curriculum & Instruction; Elementary Education

    University of Houston


    General Business

    Full-time 1 Grade Teacher while working on my graduate degrees.

    University of Houston-Victoria

  • 1993


    studied nursing


    and ultimately biology with a minor chemistry.


    Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity


    Prairie View A&M University

    Introduction to Diversity for Educators

    Social and Environmental Foundations

    Introduction to Teaching

    Teaching Social Studies in EC-6

    School & Society

    Directed Individual Study

    Advanced Undergraduate Research Experience: Critical & Social Engagement through Social Media

    Content Area Language and Literacy Instruction

    Social Sciences through Universal Access

  • As an undergrad member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity

    Inc. I had the opportunity and honor to work with a local troop in Prairie View.

    Boy Scouts of America



    Teacher Training


    Curriculum Design


    Curriculum Development


    Educational Research

    Qualitative Research


    Workshop Facilitation

    University Teaching

    Staff Development

    College Teaching

    Elementary Education




    Higher Education


    Discourse on African American/Black identity: Engaging the expanding nigrescence theory with a diasporic consciousness

    This manuscript theoretically explores the application of a stretched expanded nigrescence theory (NT-E) by making notions of consciousness explicit

    thereby building on the research involving first generation U.S.-born Africans (FGAs). In taking this approach

    a theoretical framework of a diasporic consciousness emerged an alternative for exploring the identity development of Africana people. To facilitate this process

    a shift from conceiving identity along the lines of race and ethnicity was begun towards a conception that is solely culturally based on eight identified factors.

    Discourse on African American/Black identity: Engaging the expanding nigrescence theory with a diasporic consciousness

    The discourse on African American/Black identity

    as illustrated by the “Obama Phenomenon

    ” continues to evolve as current ways of nomenclature and identifying “what is African American and/or Black identity” are

    in effect

    challenged by a generation of U.S.-born Africans. This case study explored the perceptions about African American/Black identity of six First Generation U.S.-Born Africans attending a predominantly White institution.\nThe resulting narratives highlighted their perceived tensions and harmonies with Continental Africans

    Generational African Americans


    in some cases

    other cultural/racial groups. Their stories offer more support for recognizing the heterogeneity within the African American/Black community. The university context serves as one of the primary sites where they engaged\nthese tensions and harmonies concerning their racial/cultural/linguistic identities.

    In search of an authentic African American and Black identity?: Perspectives of first generation U.S. born Africans.

    In A. Kempf (Ed.)

    Explorations of educational purpose: Vol. 8. Breaching the colonial contract: Anti-colonialism in the US and Canada (pp. 201-217).

    The harvesting of intellectuals and intellectual labor: The university system as a reconstructed/continued colonial space for the acquisition of knowledge.

    Brooke L. Taylor-Johnson

    Brandon L. Fox

    I have a voice

    so listen!

    This chapter engages the formation of an interdisciplinary peer-mentoring group that empowered graduate students of color to navigate varied and complex challenges within a predominantly white institution (PWI) in the Rocky Mountain Region. In doing this work

    both intended and unintended barriers were exposed and navigated. The chapter describes the journeys of three students and their advisor

    who are from diverse backgrounds. Their journeys are followed from the formation of the group through their matriculation and subsequent steps in their respective professional careers. The auto-ethnographic techniques

    derived from self-study

    involved an application of those utilized by CURVE-Y-FRiENDs (C-Y-F) global network. The challenges identified based on C-Y-F were: (1) intellectual identities

    (2) cultural/racial/ethnic/linguistic identities

    (3) pursuit of professional careers

    and (4) personal/professional relationships. In our work

    we identify our journeys’ salient outcomes and provide practical recommendations for various university stakeholders.

    Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Alliance (MGSA): Crafting a Diverse Peer Mentoring Network Within and Beyond a Predominantly White Institution (PWI)

    \"We learn the most about ourselves during the moments in which we either engage or avoid the every day challenges that constitute the journey of life.\"\n\nCritically engaged in educational research within historical



    psychological contexts that have and continue to impact members of the African Diaspora. Currently

    my dissertation project aims to address identity development of particular members of the diaspora within predominantly white educational institutions (PWIs). This research endeavor looks to fuse both qualitative and theoretical lenses to highlight a possible need to rethink how identity labels are defined

    used and historically maintained within U.S. universities.

    Patrick S.

    De Walt

    California State University


    Stephen F. Austin State University

    Houston ISD

    Houston ISD

    University of South Florida

Possible Matching Profiles

The following profiles may or may not be the same professor:

  • Patrick De Walt
    Stephen F. Austin State University - Early Childhood Education

EHDT 18062


EHD 50



CIT 280
