Malcolm McCallum

 Malcolm McCallum

Malcolm McCallum

  • Courses5
  • Reviews5


Texas A&M University Texarkana - Biology

Aquatic Resources Center; Aquaculture and Water Quality Research Scientist
Higher Education
Langston, Oklahoma
Specialties: Ecotoxicology, conservation ecology, herpetology, ichthyology, entomology, climate change effects on wildlife. Registered Environmental Professional.


  • Self-employed


    Developed and implemented distance learning curricula for medical students in Samoa.

  • University of Illinois Springfield

    Visiting Assistant Professor

    teach graduate courses in Sustainable Food Systems, Ecosystems Management, sustainable development, and earth science.

  • UMKC

    Assistant Teaching Professor (interim)

    Spring 2012: hired to teach Anatomy and physiology to undergraduates, and anatomy to PHD nurse anesthetist students (emphasizes neuroanatomy).

  • Langston University

    Research Scientist

    Manages and assists with research in the Langston University Aquaculture facitity consisting of 46 culture ponds, a hatchery, analytical laboratory, and three water storage/reclamation units. Develops and implements research and extension program tailored to the unique needs of Oklahoma and the surrounding region. Generally focused on aspects of water quality and effects on aquatic life of activities of the oil and gas industry.(e.g. water removal from rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds for hydraulic fracturing, and uses for recycled hydraulic fracturing wastewater, including potential in agricultural uses). Supervises and manages multiple researchers and technicians on research in food production agriculture, environmental health/issues, food sciences, conservation, and ecology.

  • Malcolm McCallum

    Environmental, Natural Resources, and Educational Consultant

    ASTM E1527-13 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
    Environmental impact assessment (EIA,EIS)
    Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMPs)
    Syntheses on organisms and/or environmental topics
    Biomonitoring and Bioassessment
    Pond and lake management
    Endangered species status surveys
    Wildlife inventory and monitoring
    Non-standardized ecotoxicological tests
    Standardized toxicological tests including but not limited too:
    ASTM E729-96 (2002) Acute toxicity tests on materials with invertebrates, fishes, and amphibians
    ASTM E1023-84 (2002) Hazard assessment of materials to aquatic organisms
    ASTM E192-97 Acute toxicity of aqueous ambient samples and effluent with fishes, macroinvertebrates, and amphibians.
    ASTM E1193-97 Life-cycle toxicity tests with Daphnia magna
    ASTM E1241-98 Early life-stage toxicity in fishes
    ASTM E1295-01 Three brood renewal toxicity tests with Ceradaphnia dubia
    ASTM E1391-02 Sediment toxicity
    ASTM E1439-98 Frog embryo teratogenesis assay - Xenopus (and adapted to other species)
    ASTM E 1604-94 Behavioral testing in aquatic toxicology
    EPA 841-B-99-002 Rapid bioassessment for use in streams and wadeable rivers.
    EPA-821-R-02-12 Measuring accute toxicity of whole effluent and receiving waters to freshwater and marine organsims.
    EPA-821-R-02-013 Short-term methods for estimating chronic toxicity of effluents and receiving waters to freshwater organisms.
    EPA-821-R-02-014 Short-term methods for estimating the chronic toxicity of effluents and receiving waters to marine and estuarine organisms.


  • Illinois State University

    Bachelor of Science

    Agriculture and Biology

  • Eastern Illinois University

    Masters of Science

    Environmental Biology

  • Arkansas State University


    Environmental Sciences
    amphibians, reptiles, fish, insects. Specializations in ecotoxicology and conservation ecology.

BSC 408


BSC 486


