Jillian Decker

 JillianK. Decker

Jillian K. Decker

  • Courses4
  • Reviews25
Dec 28, 2019
Textbook used: No
Would take again: Yes
For Credit: Yes





Decker is a fantastic lecturer, and he prepares you well for the exams. You'll do well on the exam if you do well on the study guides he gives you beforehand.

Jul 4, 2020
Textbook used: No
Would take again: Yes
For Credit: Yes





Professor Decker is wonderful, very lenient and will assist you throughout the course. The study guides are very long and you will want to do them in a group to split up the work, however they very important and contain quite a bit of valuable information. The tests are very direct, and completion on the study guides will give you extra points towards them.


SUNY Rockland Community College - Biology


  • 2012

    Rockland Community College

    Passaic County Community College

    Rockland Community College

    Fordham University

    Rockland Community College

    Passaic County Community College

    Alumni Dissertation Fellow

    Fordham University

    Clare Luce Boothe Fellow

    Graduate teaching/ research

    Fordham University

    Assistant Professor of Biology

    I teach General Biology


    Topics in Environmental Science


    Research Experience in Biology

    etc. and mentor student research projects.

    Rockland Community College

  • 2005

    SUNY Rockland Community College

    Fordham University

    Fordham University

    SUNY Rockland Community College

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


    Fordham University

  • 2003



    Master of Science (MS)

    Marine and Atmospheric Sciences

    Stony Brook University

  • 2000

    Study Abroad

    Marine Biology

    James Cook University


    open water


  • 1998

    Bachelor of Science (BS)

    Marine Biology

    University of Rhode Island

  • Laboratory Skills

    Higher Education

    Environmental Science

    Curriculum Development

    Student Engagement

    Curriculum Design


    Phytoplankton Identification and Enumeration


    Public Speaking

    Scientific Writing



    Grant Writing

    Data Analysis




    University Teaching

    College Teaching

    Genome Sequence of Mycobacterium Phage CrystalP

    Mycobacteriophage CrystalP is a newly isolated phage infecting Mycobacterium smegmatis strain mc2155. CrystalP has a 76

    483-bp genome and is predicted to contain 143 protein-coding and 2 tRNA genes

    including repressor and integrase genes consistent with a temperate lifestyle. CrystalP is related to the mycobacteriophages Toto and Kostya and to other Cluster E phages.

    Genome Sequence of Mycobacterium Phage CrystalP

    Dave Caron

    Christopher Gobler

    Darcy Lonsdale

    Toxic attributes of the brown tide alga Aureococcus anophagefferens affect the ability of benthic and protistan grazers to control blooms. Yet

    little is known regarding the effect of A. anophagefferens on a dominant component of the microzooplankton community

    copepod nauplii. This study describes the grazer–prey relationship between nauplii of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa and A. anophagefferens. Four laboratory experiments using varying proportions of A. anophagefferens (2–4 μm) and a control alga

    Isochrysis galbana (4–6 μm)

    were conducted to test the effects of A. anophagefferens isolate 1708 during exponential and stationary growth phases and A. anophagefferens isolate 1850 (exponential phase only) on naupliar grazing and development. A fifth experiment compared the effects of A. anophagefferens with an equal-sized control alga

    Micromonas pusilla (1–3 μm). Isolate 1708 (exponential or stationary) as a single food item did not suppress naupliar ingestion rates (ng C nauplius−1 day−1) when compared to I. galbana. No ingestion was detected on isolate 1850 when offered alone

    suggesting that this isolate may be more harmful to nauplii. Overall

    nauplii selectively grazed on I. galbana over A. anophagefferens in mixed diets

    but size-selection could not be ruled out as selective feeding was not apparent in mixtures with M. pusilla. Both isolates of A. anophagefferens delayed naupliar development. Our results indicate that Acartia tonsa nauplii can graze on A. anophagefferens

    and can potentially help suppress brown tides. However

    the efficacy of grazing control by copepods will vary with availability of alternate food sources and toxicity of the A. anophagefferens strain(s) comprising the population.\n\n\n

    Feeding behavior and development of Acartia tonsa nauplii on the brown tide alga Aureococcus anophagefferens

    The Upper Mississippi River (UMR) is a productive floodplain river with a complex lateral habitat array. Three habitats (main channel

    flow-through backwater

    and single-connection backwater (least connected)) in a typical UMR reach (Pool 8

    La Crosse

    WI) representing a connectivity gradient (distance to main channel) were studied. Four main goals of my research were to identify: (1) present (1999-2004) spatiotemporal patterns in phytoplankton species composition and related nutrient regimes in Pool 8

    (2) which nutrients control algal production across habitat and phytoplankton assemblage type

    (3) the effect of nutrient enrichment on phytoplankton composition

    and (4) how nutrient enrichment affects the ecological function (N2-fixation) of bloom-forming cyanobacteria. Results indicated that seasonal change and to a lesser extent habitat differences affected phytoplankton species composition and that phosphorus (P) was the nutrient that best explained compositional patterns. In situ nutrient addition bioassay experiments indicated that net phytoplankton production was often N-limited or co-limited by N and P but that P alone was important in the single-connection backwater. The flow-through backwater was limited most frequently and had the greatest degree of limitation overall. In general

    the strongest responses to nutrient enrichment by UMR phytoplankton occurred in response to NP-enrichment and resulted in greater species diversity. Often the addition of N alone or in combination with P resulted in lower cell densities and/or relative abundance of N2-fixing cyanobacteria

    while non-N2-fixing cyanobacteria and chlorophytes responded positively to N and NP enrichment. Iron was found to be a factor determining cyanobacterial species composition. N2-fixation was found to supplement cyanobacterial N-requirements in single-connection and main channel habitats and was controlled by P supply.

    Nutrient controls on phytoplankton composition and ecological function among hydrologically distinct habitats in the Upper Mississippi River

    William Richardson

    Jeffrey Houser

    The Upper Mississippi River (UMR) has a lateral expanse of contrasting aquatic areas. Identifying phytoplankton abundance patterns resulting from differences in environmental sensitivities and tolerances among phytoplankton is critical for understanding water quality properties

    nutrient cycling

    and ecosystem processes. This study aims to identify (1) spatial (main channel vs. contiguous backwater) and temporal (seasonal and annual) patterns in phytoplankton species abundance in the UMR near LaCrosse

    Wisconsin and (2) the environmental factors that explain these spatiotemporal patterns. Our study contained two components: (1) a spatiotemporal study that spanned 5 years (1999–2004)

    two seasons (spring and summer)

    and two contrasting aquatic areas (main channel and backwater) and (2) a time series of monthly mean environmental conditions and phytoplankton community structure in a single backwater that included the growing season of two consecutive years (2000–2001). Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) ordinations indicated that the largest differences in phytoplankton species composition were seasonal

    and associated with seasonal differences in river discharge. Spatial differences (main channel vs. backwater) also accounted for compositional differences but to a smaller degree. These differences were more pronounced in years when discharge was higher. Comparisons with historical phytoplankton data identified a long-term shift towards more eutraphentic species

    including bloom-forming cyanobacteria such as Aphanizomenon flos-aquae

    indicating that nutrients are important to phytoplankton dynamics in the UMR. Variation in TP and Si best explained spatiotemporal species abundance patterns

    while variation in TP alone best explained the periodicity of cyanobacterial abundance. Short-term changes (4-week intervals) in species composition in the backwater were best explained by variation in NH4+


    and Mg concentrations


    and temperature.

    Spatiotemporal phytoplankton patterns in the Upper Mississippi River in response to seasonal variation in discharge and other environmental factors.

    Jillian K.


    Fordham University

BIO 105
