H Heater

 H Heater

H Heater

  • Courses3
  • Reviews6
  • School: Clark College
  • Campus:
  • Department: Health Science
  • Email address: Join to see
  • Phone: Join to see
  • Location: 1933 Fort Vancouver Way
    Vancouver, WA - 98663
  • Dates at Clark College: January 2010 - September 2010
  • Office Hours: Join to see


Clark College - Health Science

Mobilizing people, changing systems and advancing equity.
Program Development
Portland, Oregon
Project Management + Executivie Coaching + Capacity Building + Communications + Collective Impact

I am a Human Resources Manager at Multnomah County and a Senior Consultant with Tusk specializing in developing trauma-informed processes to achieve collective impact. I have a talent for sticking with hard conversations, navigating ambiguity and helping others manage the discomfort of change, adaptation, and social innovation. I believe in developing trauma-informed organizational cultures that embody justice, authenticity, and transformation, and which promote belonging.

Currently accepting coaching clients for Fall 2019.


  • Clark College

    Adjunct Instuctor

    Improve the health and wellness of students at Clark College through development and delivery of sexual health and wellness curricula from a social justice perspective.

  • Tusk Consultants

    Senior Consultant

    1:1 anti-racism coaching and strategic consulting for exempt employees in the non-profit, government and private sectors.
    Group coaching for executive teams, boards of directors and front-line staff.

  • Multnomah County

    Senior Program Specialist (Project Manager)

    I facilitated two complex organizational change initiatives – the Maternal Child Health (MCH) Transition Team and the Future Generations Collaborative (FGC). Both projects are ongoing and focus on improving racial equity.

  • Multnomah County

    Workforce Equity Strategic Plan (WESP) Project Manager

    I support countywide implementation, communication and performance measures of the Workforce Equity Strategic Plan (WESP). I will host the development and alignment of WESP project requirements, plans, timelines, and stakeholders participation across Multnomah County's multiple divisions, and our (stellar) 6000 employees.

  • Portland State University

    Graduate Research Assistant

    Develop communication strategies, including website content, to promote academic success and improve retention of first-generation and transfer students attending Portland State University.

  • Clark County Public Health

    HIV/AIDS Prevention Intern

    Advance HIV prevention in Clark County through research, evaluation, program development and community engagement.


  • San Francisco State University

    Conducted post-graduate coursework on race, gender and sexuality

  • University of Oregon


    Planning, Public Policy and Management; Spanish

  • Portland State University


    Public Health

  • Portland State University

    Graduate Research Assistant

    Develop communication strategies, including website content, to promote academic success and improve retention of first-generation and transfer students attending Portland State University.


  • An indigenous framework of the cycle of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder risk and prevention across the generations: historical trauma, harm and healing

    Ethnicity and Health

    To build on Evans-Campbell's [2008. “Historical Trauma in American Indian/Native Alaska Communities: A Multilevel Framework for Exploring Impacts on Individuals, Families, and Communities.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 23 (3): 316–338. doi:10.1177/0886260507312290.] multilevel framework of historical trauma and health by focusing on the cycle of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in the socio-cultural, historical, and interpersonal context of trauma shared by American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) peoples.

  • An indigenous framework of the cycle of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder risk and prevention across the generations: historical trauma, harm and healing

    Ethnicity and Health

    To build on Evans-Campbell's [2008. “Historical Trauma in American Indian/Native Alaska Communities: A Multilevel Framework for Exploring Impacts on Individuals, Families, and Communities.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 23 (3): 316–338. doi:10.1177/0886260507312290.] multilevel framework of historical trauma and health by focusing on the cycle of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in the socio-cultural, historical, and interpersonal context of trauma shared by American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) peoples.

  • Speaking Truth to Power: a Youth Advisory Board's Action to Change School-based Policy in San Francisco

    American Public Health Association

    The chapter chronicles the story of the YAB in creating school-based policy changes in the health education curriculum.

HLTH 206


HLTH 207
