Erin Ellis

 Erin Ellis

Erin G. Ellis

  • Courses2
  • Reviews2


Texas Woman's University - Sociology

Medical Sociologist & Motherhood Sociologist | Sociologist | Qualitative Researcher | Project Manager | Aspiring Student Affairs Coordinator
Graybill Ellis, PhD🌟
Fort Worth, Texas
Are you looking for someone passionate about student success and development? Need someone to help increase student retention rates by removing barriers in higher education? Do you need someone skilled in research to help find ways to support students through policies? Let’s talk!

Here are job titles I would love to have:

✅ Student Success Coordinator or Specialist in Student Life, Student Development, or Student Affairs.

✅ Assistant Professor in Sociology

✅ Research Project Coordinator or Analyst

✅Community Outreach Coordinator

✅ Diversity & Inclusion Specialist

✅ Project Manager

I’m a dynamic and driven professional with a research background in medical sociology, health disparities, intimate partner violence, and sociology of motherhood & the family.

I provide mentoring to student parents and have founded a support group for graduate student mothers that consists of over 300 members from all over the world. My keep-it-real stories of triumphs, failures, and funny kid stories has resulted in nearly daily messages from other academic moms thanking me for inspiring them and letting them know they are not alone.

I’m skilled in people management, problem solving, and conflict resolution evidenced by the fact that all 5 of my children are still alive and have not yet challenged one another to cage fights.

An engaging and award winning communicator and teacher, I've delivered over 100 presentations to a variety of audiences and I enjoy the opportunity to effectively convey complex concepts to the layperson.

A sociologist with vigorous training in diversity and inclusion, I have direct classroom experience leading diverse groups of people in difficult discussions about race, ethnicity, LGBTQ issues, disability and other diversity issues.

I am highly qualified to develop and lead workshops, dialogues, presentations, trainings, and activities.

Connect with me at 📧 📞 817-891-1216 🌐



    • Texas Woman's University

      Doctor of Philosophy - PhD

      Dissertation: Giving Birth in the Ivory Tower: A Closer Look at the Unique Needs of Pregnant and Parenting Graduate Student Mothers / Focus: Medical Sociology & Sociology of the Family

    • Texas Woman's University

      Bachelor's degree

      Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award for the Department of Sociology and Social Work.

    • Texas Woman's University

      Master's degree

      Thesis: You Must be SuperWoman! How Graduate Student Mothers Negotiate Conflicting Roles

    • Texas Woman's University

      Assistant in University Advancement & Alumni Relations

      📌Serve as first point of contact for all donors and constituents contacting the University Advancement, TWU Foundation, or Alumni Relations team. 📌Administrative Assistant for a team of 17, including the Vice President of Advancement. 📌Assist with event planning, programming, creating invitations, flyers, and mailers for special events such as Homecoming, 50th Reunion class events, Alumni Association meetings, etc. 📌Creation of Student Resource Sheet for access to health resources, outreach, support groups, mental healthcare access, food resources, housing resources, etc. to be used by administration. 📌Data Entry in Blackbaud's Raiser's Edge and NXT & training in fundraising at 📌Research and project management for special projects related to Alumni Relations and Advancement initiatives including development and creation of a new Alumni Relations page on LinkedIn to help increase engagement. 📌Relationship building and engaging constituents, alumni, and current students and excellent customer service while supporting fundraising initiatives.

    • Texas Woman's University

      Sociology Instructor

      📌Taught approximately 30 courses of 25 - 45 students for a total of well over 1,000 students. 📌Courses taught: Sociological Theory, Deviant Behavior and Social Control, Correctional Systems, Juvenile Delinquency, Marriage and Family Relationships, Crime in America, Theories of Crime, The Family, and Women, Crime, and Justice. 📌Engaged students actively in their own learning, including discussion, writing, and analysis while maintaining high standards for course content and communicating extensive feedback to students. 📌 Mentoring, Counseling, and Academic Advising of students to help them succeed . A few achievements from this time: 🏅Recognized for teaching excellence with a number of awards, including Outstanding Sociology Graduate Student Award in Teaching; 2 Favorite Faculty Awards from university sport teams; Nomination for Senior Breakfast Favorite Faculty Award. 🎤Invited to present and be panel member for online teaching workshop presented to graduate students, based on innovative and creative teaching style.


    • "You Must be Superwoman! How Graduate Student Mothers Negotiate Conflicting Roles."

      Teacher, Scholar, Mother: (Re)Envisioning Motherhood in the Academy edited by Anna M. Young.

    • "You Must be Superwoman! How Graduate Student Mothers Negotiate Conflicting Roles."

      Teacher, Scholar, Mother: (Re)Envisioning Motherhood in the Academy edited by Anna M. Young.

    • A Pedagogical Approach to Action Research

      Journal of Applied Social Science

    Possible Matching Profiles

    The following profiles may or may not be the same professor:

    • Erin Ellison (30% Match)
      Instructional Faculty
      California State University - California State University
      $19,026.77 Base
      $8,204.46 Benefits

    • Erin G Ellis (30% Match)
      Associate Adjunct Faculty
      University Of Texas Of The Permian Basin - University Of Texas Of The Permian Basin


    SOCI 1301



    SOCI 302350
