Andrea Thomaz

 AndreaL. Thomaz

Andrea L. Thomaz

  • Courses1
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University of Texas Austin - Engineering


  • 2007

    Georgia Institute of Technology

    Leads the Socially Intelligent Machines Lab in the School of Interactive Computing.

    Assistant Professor

    Greater Atlanta Area

    Georgia Institute of Technology

    Leads the Socially Intelligent Machines Lab in the School of Interactive Computing.

    Associate Professor

    Greater Atlanta Area

    Georgia Institute of Technology

    Leads a robotics lab in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department.

    The University of Texas at Austin


    In the RS/6000 Division

    at the Austin TX campus

    I worked with a group of 12 engineers charged with simulating (in C++) the memory subsystems of a RISC symmetric multiprocessor

    for the purpose of circuit design verification. In this year I wrote a cache preloader to save millions of cycles needed to achieve specific cache states in processor simulation. I interned with this same group for several semesters during my undergraduate studies.

    International Business Machines

    Diligent Robotics




    Diligent Robotics is a human-centered robotics company. Our mission is to make technical advances towards robots and humans working together side by side

    with an emphasis on human-centric design. Diligent Droids is developing a suite of artificial intelligence that enables robots to collaborate with and adapt to humans in everyday environments. Our service robots are designed to participate and work together with teams of humans.



    Interned with the Communities Technologies Group (now Social Computing)

    lead by Marc Smith. Expanded the group's Usenet technologies for mining social statistics to the realm of email.

    Microsoft Corporation

  • 2002


    I completed my Ph.D. thesis under the advice of Cynthia Breazeal

    in the Robotic Life Group at the MIT Media Lab. My thesis topic is Socially Guided Machine Learning

    detailing ways in which machine learning algorithms can be better suited for real-time interactive learning with everyday people.

    Media Arts & Sciences


    Electrical and Computer Engineering

    University of Texas at Austin



    Media Arts & Sciences

  • Human Computer Interaction




    Machine Learning

    Computer Vision


    Software Engineering

    Computer Science




    Artificial Intelligence



    Controlling social dynamics with a parametrized model of floor regulation

    Turn-taking is ubiquitous in human communication

    yet turn-taking between humans and robots\ncontinues to be stilted and awkward for human users. The goal of our work is to build autonomous\nrobot controllers for successfully engaging in human-like turn-taking interactions. Towards this end

    \nwe present CADENCE

    a novel computational model and architecture that explicitly reasons about\nthe four components of floor regulation: seizing the floor

    yielding the floor

    holding the floor

    and\nauditing the owner of the floor. The model is parametrized to enable the robot to achieve a range\nof social dynamics for the human-robot dyad. In a between-groups experiment with 30 participants

    \nour humanoid robot uses this turn-taking system at two contrasting parametrizations to engage users\nin autonomous object play interactions. Our results from the study show that: (1) manipulating\nthese turn-taking parameters results in significantly different robot behavior; (2) people perceive\nthe robot’s behavioral differences and consequently attribute different personalities to the robot;\nand (3) changing the robot’s personality results in different behavior from the human

    manipulating\nthe social dynamics of the dyad. We discuss the implications of this work for various contextual applications as well as the key limitations of the system to be addressed in future work.

    Controlling social dynamics with a parametrized model of floor regulation

    Turn-taking interactions with humans are multimodal and reciprocal in nature. In addition

    the timing of actions is of great importance

    as it influences both social and task strategies. To enable the precise control and analysis of timed discrete events for a robot

    we develop a system for multimodal collaboration based on a timed Petri net (TPN) representation. We also argue for action interruptions in reciprocal interaction and describe its implementation within our system. Using the system

    our autonomously operating humanoid robot Simon collaborates with humans through both speech and physical action to solve the Towers of Hanoi

    during which the human and the robot take turns manipulating objects in a shared physical workspace. We hypothesize that action interruptions have a positive impact on turn-taking and evaluate this in the Towers of Hanoi domain through two experimental methods. One is a between-groups user study with 16 participants. The other is a simulation experiment using 200 simulated users of varying speed



    and correctness. In these experiments

    action interruptions are either present or absent in the system. Our collective results show that action interruptions lead to increased task efficiency through increased user initiative

    improved interaction balance

    and higher sense of fluency. In arriving at these results

    we demonstrate how these evaluation methods can be highly complementary in the analysis of interaction dynamics.

    Timing in multimodal turn-taking interactions: Control and analysis using timed Petri nets

    Andrea L.


    International Business Machines

    The University of Texas at Austin

    Microsoft Corporation

    Diligent Robotics


Possible Matching Profiles

The following profiles may or may not be the same professor:

  • Andrea L Thomaz (60% Match)
    Associate Professor
    University of Texas at Austin - University Of Texas At Austin