A C Banerjee

 A C Banerjee

A C Banerjee

  • Courses14
  • Reviews60


Columbus State University - Chemistry

Professor of Chemistry and Assistant Chair, Deaprtment of Chemistry, Columbus State University, Columbus, GA, USA
Columbus, Georgia
Teaching: general chemistry, physical chemistry; graduate courses on: Advanced physical chemistry, catalysis.
Research: heterogeneous catalysis; mentoring undergraduate and graduate research students in chemistry
Current research projects: Low temperature catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide and methane; storage of hydrogen as fuel.

Recent conference presentation:

Banerjee, A. C., McGuire, J. Activity and mechanism of methane oxidation over Pd/Al2O3 catalyst ( Invited paper to be presented at the Natural Gas Symposium of The Division of the Energy and Fuels , American Chemical Society, New Orleans, 18-22 March, 2018.

Banerjee, A. C., McGuire, J., Gary, J., Bozack, M. (2017). Activity, XPS and STEM data of Pd/Al2O3 catalysts (Paper presented at a symposium of the Division of Catalysis Science and Technology, American Chemical Society National Meeting, 05 April, San Francisco, CA.)

Externally funded Grants: Federal Teacher Quality grant:"project guided inquiry"--- professional development of science teachers on content and use of science lab kits to improve instruction and student achievements ( received seven grants during 2006-2015) and conducted professional development of more than 100 science teachers in Southwest Georgia.

Service: Member of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) ;member of American Chemical Society (ACS ); member of ACS general chemistry exam committee, ACS international affairs committee, chair ACS Auburn local section, adviser of ACS student chapter at CSU; chemistry graduate program coordinator at CSU: Coordinator CSU study abroad chemistry programs in India.

Honors: Senior Fulbright Fellow at the University of Iowa

Countries Visited: Vising Fellow at Curtin University and Flinders University, Australia: Utrecht University, The Netherlands



    • Vidyasagar College, University of Calcutta

      Bachelor’s Degree

      Honors in Chemistry

    • Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

      MS in Chemistry

      PhD Dissertation Title: Recovery of Sulfur from Metal sulfides


    • Preparation and Characterization of Palladium catalysts over alumina and silica supports

      American Chemical Society

    • From Discovery to Application: Innovations in heterogeneous catalysis and implementation in undergraduate research and teaching

      American Chemical Society

    • Preparation and Characterization of Palladium catalysts over alumina and silica supports

      American Chemical Society

    • From Discovery to Application: Innovations in heterogeneous catalysis and implementation in undergraduate research and teaching

      American Chemical Society

    • Teaching Science using Guided Inquiry Experiments: A Professional Development Model for High School Science Teachers. Teaching Science using Guided Inquiry Experiments: A Professional Development Model for High School Science Teachers.

      NSTA Press

      A professional development for science teachers based on laboratory guided labs was developed and tested.

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